Perkenalan Konsultasi Pendidikac Kegiatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Media Pengumuman
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Mengenai pekerjaan di Korea
- Gaji yang tidak dibayar dan tunggakan gaji
- Kecelakaan, sakit penyakit, dan caca
- Masalah yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan dan status pekerjaan
- 방문취업
- Pelecehan sexsual
- Masalah keimigrasian dan ijin tinggal
- Pernikahan dan Kewarganegaraan
- Masalah tempat tinggal(penyewaan, dll)
- Asuransi yang dibutuhkan (4)
- Membantu Tuntutan hukum
- Kebutuhan Ganti rugi
- Serangan dan kekerasan fisik
- Penipuan
- kematian
Ruang konsultasi bebas (tanya&jawab)

I am not paid my wage. The firm claims that its contracting entity does not pay, which is why the firm does not have enough to pay us wages. What can I do in such a case?

In some cases when in a subcontract factory delays in payment occur, it is possible to demand your wage from the contracting entity of your firm. This is the case when, if as in the example above, the contracting entity has indeed missed to pay the subcontract factory. However, if the contracting entity has paid the subcontract factory (your firm) and your firm still does not pay your wages, you have to demand your wage from your firm.

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KMcenter 137-1 Garibong 1 Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul.
Copyright by 2004 MigrantWorkers Center in Korea. All right, reserved. Representative : Son Jong Ha
Supported by ONTOIN