Perkenalan Konsultasi Pendidikac Kegiatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Media Pengumuman
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Mengenai pekerjaan di Korea
- Gaji yang tidak dibayar dan tunggakan gaji
- Kecelakaan, sakit penyakit, dan caca
- Masalah yang berkaitan dengan pekerjaan dan status pekerjaan
- 방문취업
- Pelecehan sexsual
- Masalah keimigrasian dan ijin tinggal
- Pernikahan dan Kewarganegaraan
- Masalah tempat tinggal(penyewaan, dll)
- Asuransi yang dibutuhkan (4)
- Membantu Tuntutan hukum
- Kebutuhan Ganti rugi
- Serangan dan kekerasan fisik
- Penipuan
- kematian
Ruang konsultasi bebas (tanya&jawab)

At our firm, one has to give notice one month before one quits. I have heard this when I entered the firm. However, when another firm that was more appealing to me, offered me a job, I gave two weeks notice in advance. Therefore, my employer did not pay the wage for the last month. Can't I nevertheless get my wage?

You can get your last month's wage. The reason for giving a one month's notice is that this period is needed to find a new employee. The fact that you cannot meet this exact date, does not mean that you cannot get paid your wage. 

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KMcenter 137-1 Garibong 1 Dong, Guro-Gu, Seoul.
Copyright by 2004 MigrantWorkers Center in Korea. All right, reserved. Representative : Son Jong Ha
Supported by ONTOIN